Hi, I love to apply my knowledge of physics to making (compute) shaders, VFX, and anything else related to art.

I’m a graduated MSc. of Applied Physics, and in my spare time I taught myself to write shaders through online tutorials, experimentation and art challenges. I enjoy working on stylised projects the most, because it forces me to look extra carefully at what I’m trying to achieve and only implement the essential parts.

Below you can see a small collection of the things I’ve created, but be sure to check the Showcases and Tutorials pages for more technical art content.

Want to know more? Interested in my work? Contact me at kelvinvanhoorn@outlook.com

A picture of my face.
3D recreation of concept art by Ma-ko
Stylised water shader with component breakdown
Representation of a black hole through raymarching
Stylised scene based on God of War (2018)